Wednesday, July 31, 2019

After the Ratification of the Declaration of Independence Essay

After the ratification of the Declaration of Independence, establishing the â€Å"united colonies† as Free and Independent States, the Continental Congress set to work on the task of drawing up a document that would provide a legal framework for that Union, and which would be enforceable as the law of the new land. The Articles were written during the early part of the American Revolution by a committee of the Second Continental Congress of the now independent thirteen sovereign states. The head of the committee, John Dickinson, who had refused to sign he Declaration of Independence, nevertheless adhering to the will of the majority of the members of the Continental Congress, presented a report on the proposed articles to the Congress on July 12, 1776, eight days after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Dickinson initially proposed a strong central government, with control over the western lands, equal representation for the states, and the power to levy taxes. Because of their experience with Great Britain, the 13 states feared a powerful central government. Consequently, they changed Dickinson’s proposed articles rastically before they sent them to all the states for ratification in November 1777. The Continental Congress had been careful to give the states as much independence as possible. The Articles deliberately established a confederation of sovereign states, carefully specifying the limited functions of the federal government. Despite these precautions, several years passed before all the states ratified the articles. The delay resulted from preoccupation with the revolution and from disagreements among the states. These disagreements included quarrels over boundary lines, conflicting ecisions by state courts, differing tariff laws, and trade restrictions between states. The small states wanted equal representation with the large states in Congress, and the large states were afraid they would have to pay an excessive amount of money to support the federal government. In addition, the states disagreed over control of the western territories. The states with no frontier borders wanted the government to control the sale of these territories so that all the states profited. On the other hand, the states bordering the frontier wanted to control as much land as they could. Eventually the states agreed to give control of all western lands to the federal government, paving the way for final ratification of the articles on March 1, 1781, Just seven and a half months before the surrender of Lord Cornwallis and his British Army at Yorktown, October 19, 1781, the victory ended fighting in the War of Independence and virtually assured success to the American cause. Almost the entire war for five long years had been prosecuted by the members of the Second Continental Congress as representatives of a loose federation of states with no resources and reputations. Under the Articles, on paper, the Congress had power to regulate foreign affairs, war, and the postal service and to appoint military officers, control Indian affairs, borrow money, determine the value of coin, and issue bills of credit. In reality, however, the Articles gave the Congress no power to enforce its requests to the states for money or troops, and by the end of 1786 governmental effectiveness had broken down. Nevertheless, some solid accomplishments had been achieved: certain state claims to western lands were settled, and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 established the undamental pattern of evolving government in the territories north of the Ohio River. Equally important, the Confederation provided the new nation with instructive experience in self-government under a written document. In revealing their own weaknesses, the Articles paved the way for the Constitutional Convention of 1787 and the present form of U. S. government. The Articles were in force from March 1, 1781, to March 4, 1789, when the present Constitution of the United States went into effect. During those years the 13 states were struggling to achieve their independent status, and the Articles of Confederation stood them in good stead in the process and exercise of learning self- government. The articles created a loose confederation of independent states that gave limited powers to a central government. The national government would consist of a single house of Congress, where each state would have one vote. Congress had the power to set up a postal department, to estimate the costs of the government and request donations from the states, to raise armed forces, and to control the development of the western territories. With the consent of nine of the thirteen states, Congress ould also coin, borrow, or appropriate money as well as declare war and enter into treaties and alliances with foreign nations. There was no independent executive and no veto of legislation. Judicial proceedings in each state were to be honored by all other states. The federal government had no judicial branch, and the only Judicial authority Congress had was the power to arbitrate disputes between states. Congress was denied the power to levy taxes; the new federal government was financed by donations from the states based on the value of each state’s lands. Any amendment to the articles required the unanimous approval of all 13 states. In attempting to limit the power of the central government, the Second Continental Congress created one without sufficient power to govern effectively, which led to serious national and international problems. The greatest weakness of the federal government under the Articles of Confederation was its inability to regulate trade and levy taxes. Sometimes the states refused to give the government the money it interstate commerce. The government could not pay off the debts it had incurred uring the revolution, including paying soldiers who had fought in the war and citizens who had provided supplies to the cause. Congress could not pass needed measures because they lacked the nine-state majority required to become laws. The states largely ignored Congress, which was powerless to enforce cooperation, and it was therefore unable to carry out its duties. After the Colonial victory in the Revolutionary War, it became obvious to the Founding Fathers that the original attempt would not be equal to the task of providing the equitable law which they sought. Congress could not force the states to adhere to the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1783 ending the American Revolution, which was humiliating to the new government, especially when some states started their own negotiations with foreign countries. In addition, the new nation was unable to defend its borders from British and Spanish encroachment because it could not pay for an army when the states would not contribute the necessary funds. Leaders like Alexander Hamilton of New York and James Madison of Virginia criticized the limits placed on the central government, and General George Washington is said o have complained that the federation was â€Å"little more than a shadow without substance. On February 21, 1787, Congress called for a Constitutional Convention to be held in May to revise the articles. Between May and September, the convention wrote the present Constitution for the United States, which retained some of the features of the Articles of Confederation but gave considerably more power to the federal government. The new Constitution provided for executive and Judicial branches of government, lacking in the Articles, and allowed the government to tax its citizens.

Biography of Dr.Jose Rizal

This is not so! To support this argument Michael Faraday is the perfect example. Faraday didn't receive a formal education, yet through the dint of hard work and sheer determination he became one of the 19'Th Century. Michael Faraday belonged to the poor family of a blacksmith. His parents were so poor that they were not able to send Faraday to school. At a time when all boys of his age went to school, Faraday was ngaged in menial work.Due to the crushing poverty of his family, Faraday was forced to take up several odd Jobs that taught him how to fend for himself when he was still a minor. However, in the course of time, Faradays hard work and a flair for science made him one of the most successful scientists of his time in England. Faraday took deep interest in science and made a significant contribution to the study of physics and chemistry. Faraday had an extraordinary number of ingenious ways to work out on scientific methods. This special ability of Faradays astonished many reno wned scientists of his time.Faraday was the first scientist who succeeded in liquefying a permanent gas. This was without doubt a great discovery of his time. Moreover, Faraday is much acclaimed for his major contribution to electricity and magnetism. It was Faraday who laid the foundation of the electric motor, the generator, the transformer, etc. As with physics Faraday was also interested In chemistry. He discovered benzene and used it for different purposes In fact, Faraday didn't have a university education; but he was still unanimously appointed professor of chemistry at the Royal Institution.This was the acknowledgement of his rofound knowledge and Ingenious capacity to deal with scientific methods. Faradays lectures on science were highly knowledge and fully of witty remarks. In order to give due respect to Michael Faraday, a unit of electricity was named after him. It is called â€Å"Farad† this Is the unit to measures an amount of electrical charge. In the course of time, Faraday developed generators and transformers which were regarded as major Inventions of 19'Th century. Not only this, Faraday Is also remembered for having coined new technical words used In electricity Ilke Ion, electrode, cathode, and anode etc.MICHAEL FARADAY was born on September 22, 1791, In Newington Butts, London In 1786. By profession, Mr. James Faraday and Mrs. Margaret Hastwell migrated from Clapham, Yorkshire, to London In 1786. By profession, Mr. James Faraday was a blacksmith, and he was managing to survive on a very meager Income. Faradays early childhood was spent In poverty and hardship. When Faraday was a young boy of ten, he saw all his playmates going to school. Like many other boys, Faraday also wanted go to school , therefore he repeatedly Implored his father to send him to school but his father would say , â€Å"next year†, and that next year never came.As a result , all his life Faraday was deprived of school and a university education. Actually Mr. Faraday wanted to send his son to school , but he was simply unable duo to his very poor financial state. HIS Income was quite low and also not very reliable. Due to such an erratic Income from his profession Mr. Faraday could not send his son to send him to a school. â€Å"l should do something to educate myself. † Although Faraday was not going to school, he had an unusual obsession for reading and collecting books of all kinds. His interest chiefly lay in science.He began to collect good books o matter how expensive they were and , to meet the expenses of buying books ; Faraday began to do all sorts of odd Jobs that came his way. Faradays love for books was well known among his friends. One fine morning, Faraday was going to a Job when he met one of his bosom pals, he informed Faraday about a Job opportunity available in a bookbinding shop. This was absolutely fabulous news for Faraday because he knew working in a bookbinding shop meant getting an opportunity to read plenty of books.Faraday immediately changed direction and headed towards the bookbinder's shop and asked the owner for the Job. The owner of the bookbinding shop was Mr. Riebau who was a kind man. He agreed to employ Faraday on a nominal wage, but for Faraday a Job in a bookbinding shop was more valuable than any wage. Faraday was extremely happy with his new Job. He would go to work well before the duty time and leave late in the evening. Faraday would also bring some books with him whose delivery was to be made little late. Faraday started serious study of any science books which fell into his hand.He had taken a keen interest in science , but especially in physics and chemistry. It became a routine for Faraday to study late into the night , but sometimes he would even remain awake for the whole night and read an entire book in a single sitting. Faraday worked in Mr. Riebau's bookbinding shop for over eight years. After 8 years of service in Mr. Riebau's shop , Faraday then Joined in Mr. De La Roche's bookbinding shop. Here too Faraday did his work with complete dedication and gave his mater no opportunity to make a complaint against him.During this period Faraday had successfully managed to collect his own personal library which he kept in his little bedroom where he would study physics and chemistry with complete dedication. While reading science and the works of great scientists , Faraday began to nurture a desire of becoming a scientists deep in his heart. One day a satisfied costumer gave a ticket to Faraday. The ticket was a gate-pass to attend lecture of Sir Humphrey Daw at Royal Institute. Faraday was very grateful to the gentleman who have him the ticket as he was very eager to attend the lectures.On the day of Daws lectures Faraday reached the hall almost an hour early and secure his seat in the first row so that he could see and hear Daws lecture clearly. One by one Faraday attended all the lectures of Sir. Humphrey Daw. Sir Humphrey Daws learned lectures left a profound impression on Faraday. While Sir Daw was delivering lectures , Faraday has noted down every single important fact in his notebook. Later he carefully studied those notes and wrote several pages which he made into a thick book and went straight to Humphrey Daws house.Faraday handed over this book to Sir Humphrey Daw and requested him to read in his leisure time. Sir Daw studied Faradays book and found it very interesting. A few days later Faraday asked Sir Daws opinion about his book , Sir Daw said he was impressed by his work and these words of Sir Daw were more than enough to nspire a young man like Faraday. Faradays meeting with Sir Daw left a good impression upon Sir Daws mind. A few months later Faraday sought a Job in Sir Daws laboratory, because he was eager to see scientific experiments close-up. as extremely glad as he had the opportunity to work under the guidance of Sir Daw, a renowned scientist of his time. Faraday was very delighted in order to i mprove his understanding of science. Sir Daw taught him several important aspects of physics and chemistry that tremendously helped to expand Faradays mental horizon . Sir Daw was also very satisfied at seeing Faradays rapid progress as he was picking up verything very quickly. After one year of hard work , Faraday has the opportunity to be one of the members of Sir Daws entourage on a European tour.On this important tour , Sir Daw delivered many erudite lectures that Faraday had noted down in his notebooks. Faraday had also received some rare opportunities to meet with some renowned scientists. Faraday duly capitalised on this opportunity to improve his scientific Knowledge. While Faraday was doing very well in science , Mrs. Daw never treated Faraday as more than a servant , but Faraday never made any complaint about her obnoxious behaviour to Sir Daw. Faraday remained a through gentleman all his life. Upon his return from the tour on 1815 , Faraday became even more ambitious to b e a scientist then he was before.Now he wanted to establish his own identity as a scientist rather than Just as a working assistant in Sir Daws laboratory. So Faraday began to study will all his ability. Faraday seriously began making a series of experiments until late into the night. On the basis of his long-time experiments and through study of science. He eventually developed electromagnetic rotations. Faraday showed his discoveries to Sir Daw and asked his opinion for its publication n the scientific Journal, but Sir Daw delayed giving his opinion on Faradays discoveries and that soured their relationship.Sir Daw did not acknowledge Faradays achievement at the first sight and never gave the ideas for this. Anyway , Faraday was most embarrassed at receiving such a cold reception from Sir Daw. However , without getting Sir Daws approval, Faraday published his works on electromagnetic rotation. When Faradays papers were published in a reputed science Journal, Sir Daw blamed Faraday for publishing his papers without his acknowledgement. After the publication of Faradays papers in the science Journal hose scientists who disliked Faraday accused him of stealing or plagiarizing the ideas of other scientists.Faraday did not lend an ear to the clamor his opponents were making, Instead Faraday went on with more experiments and published many scientific papers in several Journals. Faraday succeeded to liquefy chlorine in 1823 and proved that a gas can also be liquefied. Slowly but steadily , Faraday was emerging from obscurity into the limelight as a rising scientist. Faraday submitted an application to the Royal Institute in 1824 and sought to be elected a fellow of the Royal Institute , but his application was ruthlessly turned down.Later it was suspected that actually Sir Daw did not want to see Faraday sitting equal to him. In spite of Sir Daws strong opposition , the following year Faraday was elected a fellow of the Royal Society and later directory of the labo ratory of the Royal Institute. Faraday took special interest in the study of electromagnetic function. After a series of experiments , he discovered electromagnetic induction , the battery , the electric arc , and electrostatics. These were some of the major discoveries which duly lifted eputation to a new height as a most brilliant scientist.The loads of work and staying up late into night caused severe harm to his health. Due to heavy workload, he often Faraday complained of losing his memory and that made him unable to write about studying or experiment on new things as freely as he wanted. Faraday passed away peacefully at the age of 76 in his arm chair on August 25 , 1867. Faraday discoveries and inventions created new avenues in the field of science and technology. Faraday was without doubt one of the foremost scientist who set the foundations of scientific discovery.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Primitive Art Essay

The class discussions of primitive art by Franz Boas and the readings that we as a class have done was about an the artistic values of primitive people on how they do different art, baskets, rugs, totem poles , sculptures and other works of art that are primitive. The materials took symmetrical designs to its finest point and the work was done with a high degree of human equilibrium. Arts of primitive people have a close relationship between morals and sufficiency of artistic development. The California Indians produce and practice these examples of form and texture. The women are the most artistic and creative among the California Indians while the men have skills with wood work. The Pueblo Indians of southern United States have villages that have the most intricate works of artistic designs on their potteries. The women in these villages are the most productive artists among the Pueblos. The men in these villages are devoted mostly to ceremonies and don’t really have knowledge in artistic expressions. In some households, slovenly work are hard to find in there works of art. The control and technique are expressively correlated in rawhide boxes that are made and practiced by the Sauk and Fox Indians of Oklahoma. The raw hide boxes have perfect symmetrical designs and folded in places to make works of art precise. Other examples are the leggings made by natives of British Columbia which bears decorations and unit. The fringes have long pieces of curried skin cut in narrow strips and decorated in rhythmic order. Other cases are twilled weavings which have excellent form and are perfectly even on the surface. These objects are considered works of art and finished in some ways that their forms have artistic value. Some other characteristics of decorative art have distinctive fields which can also be compared to a pottery. Pouches of American Indians have flaps that are treated as separate units. In moccasins, the upper part form a field separate from the rim and in clothing the sleeves, collars, pockets are considered separate units. These are some examples of art and that the fundamental, esthetic, formal interest is essential. Art in simple form are not really expressive of purposive action therefore they are based upon reaction to form that develop through technique. When art is created, people may recognize and study the impulse and the finished product teaches the conceited efforts to have a major skill in a difficult task. To communicate an idea graphically cannot be claimed as art. The tonal beauty and rhythmic structures of form is works of art. The combination of form and its content gives representative art an emotional value that is entirely different from formal esthetic effect. In primitive, symbolic representation the permanent traits appear the same way and other forms of symbolic representation are also utilized. Representative art could be and generally is an influential technical form, but in many cases it is not easily recognized. The art of primitive people have two components that are eminent in which one is based on form alone and the other is filled with meaning. The significance creates an enhanced esthetic value which takes into account the associative connections of art that is made or the artistic act. The forms are expressive that they must be representative, not necessarily representative of perceptible objects, but more or less theoretical ideas. The tribal arts all over the world have ornaments that appear purely formal and are associated with meanings and stories. Symbolism in art has characteristic and traits that associate with the apex and form of content in primitive art. A general similarity of form exists between the purely conventional and the realistic forms, in which the designs contain realistic images which are geometrical and move aimlessly in zigzag bands. Symbols are put on rugs, baskets, potteries, moccasins, leggings and drums. Symbols have geographical meaning and it relates to the universe as such. Symbols could also tell stories of due process of natives in their livelihoods and cultures. In some cases the symbols have to associate with forms that could be used in rituals and these forms of symbols would be blessed and therefore giving a certain person protection. Indians of North America use straight lines and rectangles that appear in diverse combinations and one of the typical forms is the isosceles triangle with enclosed rectangles. These forms are mostly found on the Great Plains Indians and among the pueblo Indians. The Symmetry, rhythm, and affirmation or attribution of form which doesn’t describe an absolute style, for they underlie all forms of decorative art. Many formal elements are integral parts of every art style and these give it its most specific character. The examples of the polished stone axes, chipped arrow or lance heads, iron spear heads, utensils and anything that has to do with the daily uses of people. These forms we recognize as imaginations of works of art that is done in perfect technique. The differences in style are not the rules, but are more commonly the most highly developed art likely to impose on style of different industries that is associated with the mat weaving and basketry that have been influential in developing new forms and powerful an dignified in other fields. There are different styles with different techniques With Natives from the tip of South America to far edges of North America. Some have pictorial designs, geometrical designs and the pottery paintings have different styles of patterns. The primitive art around the hemisphere could have in common the esthetic pleasures felt by members of society. The works of art maybe diverse in its beauty, yet the general characters of the enjoyment of beauty are forever sound in society. In art we should let our imaginations soar to the point of oblivion and through this we can hear the songs of artistic dances. Admire and take in the beauty of decorative and ornamental art, work, paintings or sculptures of natives across America and around the world. The works of art could be appealed by the different forms of making art through the eyes of a person’s imagination and give them esthetic values. Even a person in the very middle of conflict or poverty could create a work of art that gives esthetic pleasure. To these people the innovations of bountiful nature and inventions has granted them freedom from care and through this they devout much of their energy to the creation of works of beauty. Art can be made from a sense of smell, taste and touch and with every rhythmical movement of the body or objects that appeal to the eyes. The tonal speeches which please the ears can produce artistic effects along with the muscular variations of the body could prove to be art. These are the esthetic values of and artistic mind and Mother Nature also plays a role in works of art.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Iraq War and Internation Relation Paradigms Essay

Iraq War and Internation Relation Paradigms - Essay Example Before delving into the paradigms, it is necessary to refresh the facts leading up to this study. In the aftermath of World Trade Center collapse in September 2001, Bush found a path to reach many parts of the world for various reasons that were presented to the Congress and the public, but not favored by the majority overall. The most significant impact was on Iraq because the war is still in progress. The question is still inevitable as to why the Bush administration chose Iraq to invade. In his State of the Union Message, Bush commented, "Iraq's illegal weapons programs, its attempts to hide those weapons from inspectors, and its links to terrorist groups," ("Bush's Deep Reasons for War on Iraq") referring to Saddam's underground activities. There have been no terrorists' arrests in Iraq and in October, Duelfer released a preliminary report finding that in March 2003 - the month of invasion-Saddam did not have any weapons of mass destruction (WMD) stockpiles and had not started an y program to produce them ("Official: U.S. Calls off Search for Iraqi WMD's"). This arouses suspicions then behind the real reason for the Bush Administration to invade Iraq. ... The same concept should then be applied when dealing with other countries. Without having actual evidence, declaring a war on a country is not the mark of a respected authority. As America was intensifying its attacks on Iraq, North Korea came forward and admitted to having nuclear weapons. "North Korea does have missile and biological and chemical weapons programs, along with its bid for a 'nuclear option' - and all have been significantly improved in the past decade" (Encarnacion 2005) Then why not invade North Korea To believe that America invaded Iraq partly based on a nuclear threat to the rest of the world seems absurd then and even now, since North Korea was openly admitting to having nuclear weapons and no direct military action was taken in their regard. Then what is it that makes Iraq, and it is crucial to once again reiterate that no weapons of mass destruction were really found, the main target of the Bush Administration Imperialism-Is America Building a New Empire Throughout history, many superpowers have built vast empires through imperialism; such as the Turks' Ottoman Empire and the British Empire. Yet, America has never shown fondness in the concept of imperialism and neither has invaded and conquered a country to build an empire. However, with the recent political activities, suspicions do arise to question the intentionality of the Bush Administration. If Iraq was attacked to search for weapons of mass destruction and those accusations proved to be false, then why has the war not ended Is America now building an empire First, a definition of imperialism is essential to establish the foundation on which to judge the government's actions. Imperialism is basically when one

Sunday, July 28, 2019

India and the big Retailers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

India and the big Retailers - Essay Example Introduction: After the agricultural industry, retailing is the largest private and employing industry in India. This sector has a major contribution in India’s economy that is 10% of GDP and 6-7% of employment is derived from this sector. Much reorganization is seen in this sector in the past decade from small unorganized family owned retailers developed to organized retailing mainly by liberalization of the economy, expansion in consumerism, investment in retail infrastructure, entrance of many foreign retailers through cash and carry, franchising, local manufacturing, test marketing etc. India has been seen as a very attractive destination for the flow of FDIs and many foreign companies are willing to benefit from the advantages India has to offer. (MUKHERJEE & PATEL. 2005) On the other hand, resistance and protest against the entrance of the FDIs in retailing in India have been seen by the local trading associations and other stakeholders. Due to entrance of foreign compet ition in the retail market local trade is affected too and it has an effect on the employment, prices, technology, and efficiencies etc in Indian economy and market which have been the topic of debate recently. (MUKHERJEE & PATEL. 2005; GURUSWAM, SHARMA, MOHANTY, & KORAH. ... These super markets are usually situated main markets, malls and localities and due to economies of scale achieved in the purchasing and logistics, they offer highly competitive prices to the customers. The key local players in this segment in India are Nilgiris, FoodWorld, Big Baazar, and Subhiksha, these are comparatively smaller in sizes as compared to international super markets covering around an area of 3,000 to 4,000 sq. feet which is not even the half of what international super markets offer. (MUKHERJEE & PATEL. 2005; HOLLENSEN. 2011) Most of the retail stores internationally have reached at saturation points which has made them look towards the emerging markets like India, many of them has entered and many plans the expansion. Though after liberalization it isn’t easy for the international chains to enter Indian economy because foreign retailers are restricted to open single brand store with 51% ownership and to operate as a wholesaler they have to operate as 100%. T he first one to enter Indian market was Metro Group of Germany which established with a cash and carry format in 2003. Other big names Wal-Mart of USA and Tesco from UK also followed with their wholesale retail division. Apart from these giant wholesale retail companies other big names in retail like Nike, ZARA and Adidas established themselves in the Indian market. (MORSCHETT ET AL.2011; PLUNKETT.2008) Growth in the Retail Industry: In the past few years immense growth is seen in the retail sector due to liberalization in the 1990s when reduction in custom duties and a shift from quota to tariff based system. Due to the removal of barriers for entrance in the market, many multinationals entered India. Because of the increase in

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How national culture relates to marketing strategy Essay

How national culture relates to marketing strategy - Essay Example From this research it is clear that numerous authors have studied various market theories and models with respect to national cultural effects. Their works looked at the specifics of marketing tasks to culture (micromarketing view) and the marketing concept to culture (macro marketing view). However, there are no significant works on the view between the micromarketing and the macromarketing in which the realm of marketing strategy falls. One reason for this is that it is typically a more difficult area to study. Each type of business dictates a different marketing strategy. It is easier to study very specific items, such as culture to product development, or culture to product choice. Or study very broad topics, such as national culture to market orientation. However, the study of marketing strategy is between the micro and macro marketing views making it difficult to develop theories that are testable. Overall marketing strategy is too broad to practically study, yet not homogeneou s enough to relate to as a whole. Therefore, to study this area requires the creation of artificial boundaries.Since it is such a difficult area to study authors have not published any significant research that may lead to a better understanding of why businesses have failed in their international efforts. Moreover, there is still debate among the academic community concerning the relevance of national culture in regards to customization versus standardization of products and marketing efforts.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Arthur Miller Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Arthur Miller - Research Paper Example Miller's first play to make it to Broadway, The Man Who Had All the Luck (1944), was a dismal failure, closing after only four performances. This early setback almost discouraged Miller from writing completely, but he gave himself one more try. Three years later,  All My Sons  won the New York Drama Critics' Circle Award as the best play of 1947, launching Miller into theatrical stardom. All My Sons, a drama about a manufacturer of faulty war materials, was strongly influenced by the naturalist drama of Henrik Ibsen. Along with  Death of a Salesman  (his most enduring success), All My Sons and The Man Who Had All the Luck form a thematic trilogy of plays about love triangles involving fathers and sons. The drama of the family is at the core of all of Miller's major plays, but nowhere is it more prominent than in the realism of All My Sons and the impressionism of Death of a Salesman, a play which secured Miller’s reputation as one of the nation’s foremost playwr ights. Also in 1956, Miller married actress Marilyn Monroe. The two divorced in 1961, one year before her death. That year Monroe appeared in her last film, The Misfits, which is based on an original screenplay by Miller. After divorcing Monroe, Miller wed Ingeborg Morath, to whom he remained married until his death in 2005. The pair had a son and a daughter. Miller also wrote the plays A Memory of Two Mondays and the short A View from the Bridge, which were both staged in 1955. His other works include After the Fall (1964), a thinly veiled account of his marriage to Monroe, as well as The Price (1967), The Archbishop's Ceiling (1977), and  The American  Clock (1980). His most recent works include the plays The Ride Down Mt. Morgan (1991), The Last Yankee (1993), and Broken Glass (1993), which won the Olivier Award for Best Play. Miller also wrote the plays A Memory of Two Mondays and the short A View from the Bridge, which were both staged in 1955. His other works include After the Fall (1964), a thinly veiled account of his marriage to Monroe, as well as The Price (1967), The Archbishop's Ceiling (1977), and  The American  Clock (1980). His most recent works include the plays The Ride Down Mt. Morgan (1991), The Last Yankee (1993), and Broken Glass (1993), which won the Olivier Award for Best Play. Although Miller did not write frequently for film, he did pen an adaptation for the 1996 film version of The Crucible starring Daniel Day-Lewis and Winona Ryder, which garnered him an Academy Award nomination. Miller's daughter Rebecca married Day-Lewis in 1996. With  Tennessee Williams, Miller was one of the best-known American playwrights after WW II. Several of his works were filmed by such director as John Huston, Sidney Lumet and Karel Reiz. Arthur Miller was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1949 for  Death of a Salesman.  He has come to be considered one of the greatest dramatists in the history of the American Theatre, and his plays, a fusion of naturalistic and expressionistic techniques, continue to be widely produced. Arthur Miller's  Death of a Salesman  stems from both Arthur Miller's personal experiences and the theatrical traditions in which the playwright was schooled. Miller is in some way accusing a culture that encourages "wrong" values and campaigning against an uncharitable social order that deprives honest workers of constructive labor, then discards those who are no longer useful. The play recalls the

Writing assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Writing - Assignment Example At the same time, it hit a 15-month high when it was weighed against the British pound. On the same scale, it was two-year high against the euro. The surge has raised arguments as to whether Fed should increase the rates and when it is appropriate to do so. The dollar has gained significantly against the euro and has since posed far-reaching implications to the economies beyond the United States. The paper reports that this performance may create economic vulnerabilities because many firms in emerging markets have liabilities that are attributed to large US dollar. If any currency depreciates against the dollar, it reduces the ability of many firms to borrow. Thus, this inability may impose worse financial conditions (WSJ: Dec. 8, 2014). This heat may be felt by currencies in the greater Latin America â€Å"if the market gets ahead of itself.† Changes in the Fed are likely to affect other economies. WSJ added that assistance from OPEC, there will be a higher possibility of an oversupplied market in 2015. When this is coupled with the increasing strength of the dollar, there is higher likelihood of a downside risk. This implies that virtually all world economies depend on the performance of the dollar and underscores the centrality of the Fed in shaping the world’s economic

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Instructional Technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Instructional Technology - Research Paper Example This paper aims at creating a comprehensive report on problematic use of technology for teaching chemistry to first-year students. While teaching, students within the same class will have different learning methods. It is thus important for instructors to understand the learners to design the instructional technology that suits them and enable them meet their IEP goals. Appropriate use of technology by instructors can only be achieved if the special needs of chemistry students are understood. Although it is almost impossible to obtain a single method that can be used for giving instruction for all the chemistry students, integrating different methods such power point presentation and other visual aids can enable instructors to meet the varying needs of the students. Data from previous years demonstrate that most students become used to technology-based instructions as they proceed to upper years. It is thus advisable for instructors to introduce technology-based instruction giving me thods gradually. The different students have various learning styles with most of them being both visual and audio learners. Instructors should thus incorporate visual and audio aides while giving instructions. After analyzing the entry behaviors of the students, it was clear that most chemistry students do not have opposite understanding of basic college chemistry. Most students had never learned through instructional technology and it was hard for them to follow when instructors use technology-based presentation methods from the initial stages.... Data from previous years demonstrate that most students become used to technology-based instructions as they proceed to upper years. It is thus advisable for instructors to introduce technology-based instruction giving methods gradually. The different students have various learning styles with most of them being both visual and audio learners. Instructors should thus incorporate visual and audio aides while giving instructions. Requisite Knowledge and Skills In the recent past, use of technology has become rampant in colleges. After analyzing the entry behaviors of the students, it was clear that most chemistry students do not have apposite understanding of basic college chemistry. Most students had never learned through instructional technology and it was hard for them to follow when instructors use technology based presentation methods from the initial stages. After interviewing some first year chemistry students, it was clear that most instructors overlooked the individual needs o f the students. However, it was clear that most students preferred the instructors to use power point presentation when processes being explained involved charts. However, chemical equations and mathematical representations presented using power point are poorly understood. Demographic Information Most students are not conversant with chemistry concepts while joining college. The chemistry taught in high school comprises of the basic concepts that are easy to understand. Additionally, most teachers use chalk and board to explain mathematical representation for the high school students. Therefore, most students join college with little knowledge on instructional technology. They find it hard to follow college chemistry concepts, which are often

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Pestle analysis for Crowne Plaza Hotels in UK Essay

Pestle analysis for Crowne Plaza Hotels in UK - Essay Example Currency fluctuations are common but with the Euro being the common currency all over Europe, it provides some stability. The economic condition is stable. The hospitality sector can create 236,000 jobs in the next five years (Nand, 2011). The sector is a major contributor to the UK economy as it generates 8 percent of the total employment (BHA, 2010). The nation has the highest GDP growth rates in Europe (Crown, 2011). The UK economy shows a turn for the better after the recession but there is still short to medium term risks of a robust economy (PWC, 2010). UK is the gateway to Europe and has the world’s single largest market – the European Union – at its doorstep (Crown, 2011). The average weekly household expenditure on restaurant and hotels was approximately  £40 in 2007 (Dugmore, 2010). However, consumers are price conscious and it would be difficult to increase average achieved room rate (eHotelier, 2008). Moreover, the domestic business market has shrunk both in terms of leisure holidays and corporate travel. Not much of occupancy growth expected in 2011 (PWC, 2010). Consumer spending is expected to grow but could be impacted by higher taxes. The sector uses multimedia technologies to enhance productivity and improve business opportunities. It is now an indispensable tool for all business functions from production to marketing (Sigala, Airey, Jones & Lockwood, 2001). As competition intensifies employees are required to demonstrate their ability to use and create knowledge from the information gathered. Thus, hotels have to be equipped with the latest information system and must have a strategy and process in place to use the information gathered. Online reservation system enhances advance bookings from across the globe. The government has raised the Value Added Tax (VAT) rate in the United Kingdom to 20% which is the highest in the hotels in the European Union (Nand, 2011). This could

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Pop culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Pop culture - Essay Example Video games has opened a new culture in the world of entertainment leading to the emergence of a new form of popular culture. It is recorded that the initial games used interactive electronic devices with various display formats. Some of the earliest examples of video games the Cathode ray tube Amusement Device that was filed for a patent on 25 January 1947 by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann. The two designers were deeply inspired by radar display tech that was made up of an analog device that allowed a user to control a vector-drawn dot on the screen to simulate a missile being fired at targets, which were drawings fixed to the screen. While there has been a great element of changes leading to ink split on video game culture, the actual definition of the term is often treated as common sense to many people. The unraveling of the discourses surrounding video game culture offers room for people to envisioned in the power dynamics involved in attributing certain characteristics to it, as well as naming it. This approach has implications for how video games are studied as well as how they are interlinked with how culture is studied more broadly. By critically examining how video game culture has been defined in both press and academic articles, this paper seeks to elaborate how this cultural aspect has emerged to be considered on the most advanced forms of the popular culture. According to Tom Bissell in Extra Lives: Why video games matter, the rise of video in the current generation has resulted to the emergence of a new form of popular culture. He admits his great love and passion for the games. It is recorded that millions of adults all over the world, spend several hours every week playing video games leading to the growth of the industry. It is estimated that the industry is likely to outdo the film industry in Hollywood. However, the

Monday, July 22, 2019

President of the United States of America Essay Example for Free

President of the United States of America Essay The year 2008 saw the growth and emergence of various cultures around the world. This progression was however affected and sometimes hampered by the various global economic and political occurrences that defined the year 2008. The beginning of 2008 witnessed elections and consequent political instability in Zimbabwe which defined the global political system tremendously. This elections, which were characterized by allegations of rigging and foul-play caused global cries against the incumbent president in Zimbabwe, sanctions were imposed on the country thereby sending the country deeper into economic turmoil. These actions affected the global interaction of cultures in the sense that many Zimbabweans and Africans felt that the Western world was trying to impose its political culture on Africans who enjoy their culture to a great extent. This feeling of culture imposition from the Western world brought into Africa rejection of the Western culture irrespective of the goodness of the culture(David, K. 72-75) The middle of 2008 witnessed the ‘heating up’ of the most dramatic elections in the United States of America. This American election had an immense effect on culture around the world because the favorite candidate in the election, Senator Barrack Obama, had various ethnic backgrounds. Born to a Kenyan father and an American mother, Barrack has been viewed as the ideal world representative. His background and connection to the Asian ethnic community, to a great extent, complements his worldly representation. Consequently, this favorite candidate for the United States presidency, who represented various cultures around the world, emerged victorious because in him, Americans and the world felt represented in the affairs of the world politics. This election and the subsequent win of Barrack Obama for the White House cemented the cultural diversity of the American people and brought other foreign cultures to fame and scrutiny. This American election and the subsequent win for Barrack Obama as President of the United States of America, went a long way to encourage and promote inter-cultural integration around the world through marriage and lifestyle(David, K. 80-82) The end of the year 2008 witnessed a most devastating slump in the global economy as the world faced the credit crunch instigated by the mortgage crisis in the United States of America. This global economic melt-down led to a decrease in travel and purchasing power of individuals. Therefore, there was a significant reduction in global interaction thereby causing a reduction in inter-cultural interaction. The reduction in the purchasing power caused a slump in global trade which is a key component of global interaction. This also therefore reduced cultural interaction on the global stage. The closing of 2008 witnessed the biggest political crisis of the year, the Middle East Crisis. This crisis has had a devastating effect on the global cultural integration due to its ever changing form of violence. Many times, the violence is political with the Palestinians and the Israelites being the two aggressors. Sometimes, the crisis takes a religious angle with the Palestinians representing the Muslim faction while the Israelites represent the Jews. This Middle East crisis has therefore slowed down cultural interaction from the political and the religious angles(David, K. 93-96) Analysis of Arts and Culture in 2008 The year 2008 showed the different effects on arts and culture by the political, economic and religious happenings around the world. The year just showed us how vulnerable global arts and culture is to extinction, and at the same time prosperity, thanks to the global economic, political and religious dispensation. Through political, economic and religious development, global arts and culture flourished and sometimes reduced to a very low point. This fact therefore poses a challenge to every human around the world to ensure the flourishing of global arts and culture by allowing and maintaining political, economic and religious stability. The future of global arts and culture as defined by 2008 is uncertain. The future lies in the choices of men. The right choices will lead to the positive development of arts and culture while the wrong choices will lead to negative developments. The future is unpredictable and uncertain†¦it lies in our choices(David, K. 100-103) Arts in Global Interaction Arts can play a huge role in global interaction. Through arts, experiences are shared throughout the world. For instance, tourists travel all over the world and are welcomed by different cultures which they end up assimilating with. They are attracted by the unique nature of the different cultures and styles and some end up purchasing commodities from those cultures which they take back home. This art work gives the tourists a story to tell to their loved ones back in their homes. Therefore, through the making and selling of art work, one individual from one global destination earns a living, while others from various other destinations get entertained and have a story to share(David, K. 109-114). Indigenous Development of Talent In the current global village, local talent has great potential of developing into independent industries. Different culture and art forms are always appealing. If the local talent can be given space to develop and grow, the global market always has room for accommodating new art works thereby creating employment and income for millions of people around the world who represent the various art and cultural backgrounds. This arts and cultural talent can be developed through national arts and cultural exhibitions where the arts and cultures are showcased to the rest of the world. These exhibitions should also develop business systems that can support trade and therefore enable the artistes to earn a decent living. This is the only way to ensure sustenance of the various arts represented by people around the world(David, K. 112-118). Survey into the Main Global Initiatives on Arts, Culture and Society A small survey can be carried out to give a deeper understanding into matters affecting arts and culture with the following specifics: Purpose Statement: the world at large need to take up the responsibility of promoting arts and culture through ensuring political, economical and religious stability. Hypothesis: arts and culture thrive in a world of political, economical and religious stability. Objective: To study the effect of politics, economics and religion on arts and culture. The findings of the survey can then be recorded and analyzed to give a comprehensive conclusion to the survey. Work cited David, Kilcullen. (2007). â€Å"Ethics, Politics, and Non-State Warfare: A Response to Gonzalez. † Anthropology Today vol. 23, no. 3. pg 56-120

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Reflection on Leadership, Communication and Teamwork

Reflection on Leadership, Communication and Teamwork 1.0 Introduction Complexities in assignments and projects have facilitated the adoption of team approaches to problem solving. In many learning institutions and places of work, team approach has led to different people being brought together in order to benefit from their varying but combined experience and manpower. Studies by Pokras (2002) have revealed that team members perform to their best standards if a common target or goal had been readily identified before the formation of the team. Identification of the common goal in initial stages is the key to team success since every team has its own defined roadmap for achieving the identified goal. Achievement of the target also involves each team member identifying his role in the team and doing his best to achieve it. Team members are likely to encounter challenges when working on achieving their common goals. To ensure success in their teams, they need to understand overall issues that affect the performance of their members. In line with the above, this written report seeks to reflect on the overall team experience as was displayed by Team 4 members when they undertook tutorial preparation and tutorial discussion assignments. The report identified the observations on team experience; dynamics and development. The varying characteristics of Team 4 members were also noted and are also described in this report. The report goes ahead to link the observations of Team 4 members to the various academic theories on team experience. Secondary literatures addressing team experience themes are consulted for the proposed academic theories. The report then concludes with reasons on why Team 4 experiences were as observed and noted. Recommendations are the provided on how best Team 4 members can improve their future team spirits and experiences. It is our desire that any team reading this report will find it interesting and valuable for their future use. 2.0 Observations of Team Experience As the name suggests, Team 4 was constituted by 4 members; 1 female and 3 males. To hold each member accountable on his/her role in the group, Team 4 members decided to nickname each member. As such, the following members made up Team 4; Member 1, Member 2, Member and Member 4. The observations below have adopted this naming. During their first meeting, Team 4 members unanimously agreed on the use of face to face, Skype, and mobile phone services of voice and short messaging services (sms) as avenues of carrying out the discussion. Amongst the 3, face to face communication was the most frequently used method of carrying out the team work since members consented to the idea that immediate feedbacks were easily passed between them when using this method. Most observations were therefore noted during the face to face sessions. The overall rating for the observations made can be summarised as 70% positive and 30% negative. The following is a presentation of some of the major observations as displayed by Team 4 members. The presentation involved identification of key variables and the observations made on members. 2.1 Leadership Roles Though it was earlier on agreed that leadership role at Team 4 was to rotational, it was observed that some members feared the responsibility of assuming leadership roles when it came to their turns. The creation of the tutorials for presentation in class called for each team member to assume a leadership role on a rotational basis. This was considered key to success of any team since each team was to be later on required to successfully present their tutorials before the class. The presentations required every member of the group to take a leadership role at the time of presentation and therefore the reluctance by Member 2 and Member 4 to assume leadership roles caused a lot of worries to Member 1 and Member 3 since it was projected that it would impact negatively on the overall performance of Team 4. During the initial meetings, Members 2 and 4 would faithfully request any of their colleagues to volunteer by taking up the leadership roles on their behalf. Reasons put forward in the ir defence were that they deemed themselves less skilled when it came to creating slides and providing the logical structure upon which discussion topics were to be handled. One member, Member 2, was even bold enough to state before the other members that he lacked the courage to articulate issues before a group of people. To correct on this, Members 1 and 3 had to assume guidance and encouragement roles. In encouraging the two to improve on their courage, Members 1 and 3 borrowed Topchik (2007) motivational quote that called on fearful people to focus on by speaking up and listening openly for them to built trust (p.10). As time wore on and more meetings were held, Members 2 and 4 were able to develop their courage and lead the discussions to the best of their understanding. They could usher in members to give out their suggestions as well as interrupt them to allow their colleagues to seek clarifications in areas where they felt dissatisfied. 2.2 Knowledge on Topics Discussed It was observed that the four members experienced variations when it came to understanding the topics under discussion. For instance, in one session Member 1 emerged as the most knowledgeable in identifying and linking the relationships between various sub-topics. In the succeeding session, Member 3 assumed this role. These variations helped the sharing of knowledge amongst Team 4 members. 2.3 Contributing Towards Discussion Topics Though Members 2 and 4 had initially shown fearful factors, it was observed that all Team 4 members took an active role in contributing towards topics at hand. Everybody would seek an opportunity to express his ideas, and his colleagues would either agree or disagree on the particular members points. 2.4 Conflicts and Disagreements As every member became active in the discussions, it was observed that Team 4 members could not hold to each others opinions and wishes. A practical case emerged one Saturday when Member 1 proposed and insisted that every member was to present to the class the section which he or she oversaw as the leader of the team. In sticking to his view, Member 1 claimed that it was common sense that as a leader of the session, each leader stood a better chance of presenting the section to the class. However, his colleagues completely objected to his opinion on the view that teamwork and team spirit called on all members to have an even understanding of all the issues discussed by the team, and as such, each had an equal understanding of the sections. To them, anyone could comfortably present any section. The disagreement arising from this varied opinions boiled to the extent that all members had to unanimously agree to call off the session to avoid on the impending physical fights. However, on a positive note, Member 1 had to drop his hard line stance and adopt other members suggested random selection. 2.5 On the Issue of Time It was observed that members attended to sessions on time. Only one chance of late arrival was observed when Member 3 arrived 30 minutes late into the discussion. However, she had written a phone message to every member of the team to inform them of her late arrival since she was held up on traffic at the time of the meeting. 3.0 Theoretical Evaluation Institutions of learning and business organizations have continued with their adopted norm of using team approach as the tool for achieving specific tasks. Teams continue to gain increasing attention as potentially important organization assets (Zayed and Kamel, 2005, p.1). The increased adoption of team approach or team experience across these institutions has called for the need to provide information on the themes and dynamics involved in teamwork to help them achieve or attain their set targets. These may include amongst others; 3.1 Definition of Teams Teams are groups of individuals who accomplish designated objectives by working independently, communicating effectively, and making decisions that affect their work (Topchik 2007, p.7). On their part, Zayed and Kamel (2005) defined teams as two or more independent individuals who interact with and influence one another in order to accomplish a common purpose (p.1). From his research, Pokras (2002) summarised team chemistry as consisting of the following three parts; communication, consensus and contracting (11). From the definitions above it can be deduced that Team 4 comprised of the four individuals who worked to achieve a common goal of preparing tutorials on selected topics for presentation. They interacted through face to face, Skype or messaging and talking on phone. Zayed and kamel (2005) noted that many people across business fields had come to replace the term group with team. To such people, the two words mean the same and can therefore be used interchangeably. 3.2 Succeeding as a Team: Levels Involved The joining together of members to form a team does not guarantee the success of the particular team. The formation stage may bring together quiet, cautious or tentative members who may take a while before starting to go through the storming stage (Zayed Kamel, 2005, p.10). The storming process may involve team members studying each others tensions, differences as well as conflicts. After learning of members characteristics, team members advance into the second stage where they actively concentrate on solving their problems. Teams achieve their goals when members start interacting smoothly. At this level, each member is energetic, dynamic and productive leading to the team attaining success by achieving their set common goal. 3.3 Characteristics of a Good Team According to RIC Publishers (2003), good team members listen to each other, cooperate, have clear team goals and allow each member to freely express his or her opinions (p.24). On his part, Topchik (2007) went on to postulate that best team experiences had roles of each member clearly defined, had members who were open and honest in communication, had a supportive and knowledgeable manager, allowed members to freely make decisions and rewarded or recognized its members when they successfully achieved its goals (p.6). 4.0 Conclusion Though little disagreements were observed in Team 4s meeting sessions, the team successfully achieved its goal of creating presentation tutorials. This was reflected in the comprehensive and detailed tutorials that were successfully presented to the class on the presentation day. The ability of the all Team 4 members to respond confidently and accurately presentation questions also contributed in highlighting the teams success. In assessing the hard line stands taken by some team members, it was concluded that the decision by the teacher not to give due attention to members characteristics at the time of forming the teams may have played a facilitation role. As Topchick (2007) notes, when forming a team, the individuals skills, knowledge and experience should constitute the number one criteria for team membership (p10). 5.0 Recommendation Best on Team 4s achieved results; the following recommendations stand to be made. Team 4 members should learn the importance of recognizing each others contributions. This makes every team member to feel that his/her work is very meaningful and important. As such more contributions are likely to be forwarded by the motivated team members. The rotational team leaders should know that their leadership roles involve coordinating member activities. They should therefore not get discouraged or shy away from assuming these leadership roles based on their inferiority complex. Drawing from Dan and Lane (2008) works, team members who initially declined to take up their leadership roles are informed that effective team leaders are tasked with enabling everyone to contribute their unique skills (p.307). Members should be in a position to accommodate the views of other members by dropping their hard line stands. Team works are intended to avail avenues for their colleagues to share their opinions and arrive at common stands. Lastly and as Exley and Dennick (2004) opine, in cases where members are handling complex topics, several discussion sessions should be created to help members to research more on the topic at hand. This will help them to develop and accumulate knowledge on these topics.

Child Cognitive Development

Child Cognitive Development INTRODUCTION Jean Piaget looked at the concept of cognitive development from a biological angle. To him, adaptation and organization are the key principles in the human’s intellect and growth. He argued that human beings always strive to have a state of balance in their mind. Adaptation comes about when the child experiences cognitive disability, that is, the situation what the child sees the world as expected and what she or he is undergoing. The child therefore buys new information and integrates with the already existing one. Piaget calls this accommodation. This comes about when the acquired new information doesn’t fit well into the already existing structures. For instance, a child coming across a squirrel for the first time and discovers that it differs with the rabbit. He/she therefore come up with another representation of a squirrel. The mind has to have some form of information organization hence scheme is the basic structure. In a child’s development, play is an important aspect to consider. This is because ideas and concepts are learned and also, there is an enhancement of language, motor skills and social life through play. To Piaget, there are four major stages that are involved in cognitive development. Firstly, we have sensorimotor period that occurs between Zero to two years. At this stage, the child as he interacts with the environment creates sets of concepts and the operations of the reality. There is an engagement in motor movements starting with early reflexes and proceeding towards intentional actions. In most cases, these actions are trial and error. It’s through their actions that children learn that their behaviors have effects on the environment. Their actions become sophisticated as they develop hence becoming deliberate. For example, a child grasps a rattle paper in place in his hand, this can be compared to the older child who picks up and shakes a rattle to make noise. The pretend stage in most cases starts at the age of eight months. At this level, the child can act out actions and roles of an adult and some familiar events. At three or four, the skills become symbolic; the child can substitute objects for instance, a child’ feeds ‘a doll using a toy bottle. On the other hand, the older child feeds the baby using a wooden block in pretence that the block acts as the baby bottle. This level provides a good foundation for the child play as the child gets his/her own experience. Preoperational period is the second stage and it occurs between the ages of two to seven years. The child can not still abstractly conceptualize. He needs touchable situations. At the age of around three or four, constructive play interests the child. Here he or she can manipulate materials and objects in their different worlds and come up with an end product such as sand houses, clay cows sand mountains and so on. As he develops skills in manipulation of materials and objects, they sharpen his skills in thought expressions, ideas and concepts. At the mastery play level, there is the demonstration of the skilled Moto movements and there is full engagement in forms of imagination or pretend play at the same time. Children easily move about with their environment and are more confident in their actions. There is running and jumping over obstacles on a playground as they pretend to be the cartoon superhero’s. This occurs at around four to five years as encounter new play challenges and experiences. At the age of five, they develop interest in games that have two or more sides and have rules; this is because the thinking is becoming more logical. At this level, they begin to realize activities like Red Rover, Peter Says, and rule games won’t not work unless it is followed by everyone. This level involves competition and definition of criteria that establish winners. The third stage is the concrete operation that which occurs between the ages of seven years to eleven years. As the physical experience goes up, he starts conceptualizing, logically creating structures that explain the physical experience around him. At this point, he can now solve abstract problems for instance; equations on arithmetic can be solved not only with objects but with numbers. The last stage is the formal operations that occur between the ages of eleven to fifteen years. The cognitive structure at this point has developed and is like that of an adult. He is able to conceptualize and reason. At all developmental stages, there is an interaction of the child with his environment using the so far constructed mental maps. The experience fits easily if it’s the repeated one into the cognitive structure so that the state of equilibrium is maintained. He looses equilibrium if the experience is new or different. He therefore adjusts his cognitive structure in a way to accommodate the new conditions. However, different scholars also have done researches on role of play in child development. This was perhaps the development of Piaget, s theory of learning. Mc Cune Zanes, 2001argued that infants and toddlers do involve themselves in activities that in most cases stimulate their senses and lead to the development of the motor skills. These children actively explore their capabilities by using simple non directional and repetetitios plays. To them, as infants play on their own and alone, the toddlers play with or besides other children. Sometimes, they are within speaking distance but make minimal or not communicate at all. Given a situation of two or three children playing with similar toys might pursue totally different activities. Each concentrates on his or her own needs, a reflection of egocentric behaviors with no concept of rules. Such play therefore contributes the Childs growing ability to be able to pay attention and to the total development of physical, social and intellec tual growth.(Piaget,1962) At primary grades, they play formal and informal games together for example hide and seek, computer games, jump rope amongst others. In this kind of plays, there is development of physical prowess, refinement of social skills, building of concepts such as completion and there is also the enhancement of coordination. Moreover, these games also enable children to do demonstrations of their skills, abilities and talents to themselves and to others. They do these through coded messages, riddles and game numbers.(Eifermann,1971) Children’s play becomes more organized and more structured at childhood and early adolescent. At this stage, their passion for orderly thinking is seen in the games with rules and the organization of the sporting events. Winning to them is paramount as they begin to conceptualize and internalize that winning is as a result of following rules. At this age, sports are important. As social awareness grows in the child, the attention shifts from the family to the peer group. At this point, their energies are channeled to youth groups, team sports and clubs. As they do role taking and playing in those organizations, they get to understand how they can best fit in the societal systems. (Hughes, 1999) Fromberg (2002) argues that new information among children can be owned by playing with the same information. When there is interactive balance of facts gaining and acquisition of skills by the culture and information making owned by someone, then there in learning. This cycle enables children their environment better. (Fromberg, 2002, Mc Williams, 1998).Personal meaning comes about when there is active play. When there is perception of events by children as personally relevant, their neural connectivity of situations, skills and ideas is taken to their long-term memory.(Jensen,1999) adds that intrinsic motivation is by play and play contexts that is brought about by positive motivations . For instance, curiosity improves motivation which in turn facilitates learning and performance simply by focusing on the attention of the learner. Threats, panic, stress as negative emotions detract from motivation. According to Pieget, learning is effective when there are positive motivators. There children are free to participate and play when they are relaxed and free from any kind of stress. A toddler who is threatened will shy off and therefore will not participate in any kind of information flow. Pieget’s psychological approach to the to the study therefore lays a lot of emphasis to the full understanding of the children as we attempt to bring them up. This calls for understanding the stage at which the child is at, the environment and the emotional CONCLUSION Jean Pieget holds that, development precedes learning that is, it is activated by cognitive problems. All in all, Jean Piaget’s contribution was a milestone in the fields of both the natural and social sciences. People through his theories have been able to understand intrinsically both development of their children in all stages and shaping them to be good and responsible adults. By understanding the development of the child at every stage, it becomes easy for the parent to provide the necessary support to the child and be able to monitor his or her development. Moreover, it’s through Jean’s contribution that educators have adopted different modes of communication. Having looked at the development of the child at every stage, it becomes easy for the communicator to package his or her information that is relevant to the receiver. For example, a five year old child will lean better if he or she is involved in the kind of game plays. A communicator to achieve this will employ the same communicative tool. Curriculum development in different institutions has also been a Piegets contribution. A primary school for instance has got a wider range of pupils. Their programs definitely will not be the same right from intra and extracurricular activities. There are those best for the lower classes where the juniors enjoy playing and the senior one with their own special program. Ways of communicating to different audiences for instance the idea of play in the cognitive development. His idea has also been used to develop both the intra and extra curriculum activities for the different institutions. REFERENCES Bredekamp, Sue, and Carol Copple. Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1997. Ensen, E. (1999). Teaching with the brain in mind. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Deve Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in society. The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.lopment. Fromberg, D. P. (2002). Play and meaning in early childhood education. Boston: Allyn Bac Hughes, F. (1999). Children, play, and development (3rd ed.). Boston: Allyn Bacon McCune, L., Zanes, M. (2001). Learning, attention, and play. In S. Golbeck (Ed.), Psychological perspectives on early childhood education (pp. 92-106). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

HR Training Strategy :: essays research papers

Introduction Since the opening the market of the Bahrain telecommunication industry, it has gone through major structural changes. As with most opening of markets of former public companies, the government wished to see increased efficiency in the service of telecommunication. Nouradeen (2005) By opening the market, the government hoped that the incentive of higher profits would act as a reward for efficiency, meaning that more effort would be made in research and development of new techniques so as to make the service more efficient. In order to pass savings onto the consumer, the telecommunication companies would have to work under certain restrictions imposed by the government and the telecommunication regulator, (TRA), which were designed to prevent private monopolies exploiting the consumer. The aim of this project is to investigate to what extent the industry has changed since these changes were implemented and how the price of telecommunication to consumers has been affected by these changes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The opening of the market in this industry has seen Two main stages: Firstly, Batelco, a company which was effectively a monopoly ran from the 1960’s until the first step to opening the market in 2003. This stage on the road to opening the market was to introduce competition in direct supply for customers, thus introducing the idea of competition into the industry, allowing a small proportion of the market to be run to a certain extent by the market mechanism. By 2003 the telecommunication company was introduced mtc Vodafone and was set up to provide mobile services for the country. TRA(2003). This effectively meant that in a particular area of service a different company was in a position of to create competition to the sole provider in mobile services. (Which was regulated by the government). Akhbar Alkhaleej (14:2003) The question that I wish to answer is: - To what extent did the restructuring of the telecommunication industry affect the price of telecommunication to consumers and for what reasons did this occur? Economic Concepts The market for telecommunication in the Bahrain has undergone several important structural changes as outlined in the introduction to the coursework. Initially, before opening the market, the telecommunication market was a public monopoly which meant that although it had all of the features of a monopoly it was controlled and owned by the government and thus it was intended to provide the best price for the consumer. However, the idea of opening the market the industry was that the extra competition found in the market would allow the consumer to see a further fall in price, particularly as the competition should have increased finance of research and development and therefore increased efficiency in the market.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Gothic Horror in Susan Hills The Woman in Black and H.G. Wells The Re

Gothic Horror in Susan Hill's The Woman in Black and H.G. Wells' The Red Room As with all things, the gothic horror genre of literature did not begin at one definable point, but evolved gradually. Gothic horror evolved out of gothic fiction (as opposed to classical fiction, for example the novels of Jane Austen), before establishing itself as a genre in its own right. However, many literary scholars and critics would point to "The Castle of Otranto", written by Horace Walpole and first published in 1764, as the first true gothic horror novel, containing as it does many of the clichs prevalent throughout the genre. Gothic horror novels are typified by their dark, lachrymose atmosphere of dread and fear. In fact, the key to gothic horror can be summed up in one word: tension. This is created by many devices, as well as having an evil force present working against the hero/heroine. The characters, locations and atmospheres created are designed to be threatening, even when nothing sinister is actually happening. Although the gothic horror genre didn't die out altogether, it certainly lost popularity. However, it has had a minor resurgence over the last decade. Susan Hill is one of the authors who has turned her hand to the gothic horror format, her short novel "The Woman In Black" being released in the late eighties. Susan Hill says she wrote The Woman In Black because she "had the urge to write a story in the old fashioned sense," perhaps because of a dissatisfaction with modern horror writing and its reliance upon gore and physical danger. HG Wells, although primarily a science-fiction author, also wrote a gothic horror story, "The Red Room". I will be comparing these two stories, to see how these ... ...t be too lightly dismissed. These two stories are particularly interesting because they were both written by authors who aren't normally associated with the genre, so they have explored the clichÃÆ'Â ©s more than a seasoned horror writer might. But despite being so blatantly "influenced" by genre standards such as Henry James' The Turn Of The Screw and work of M.R. James, they remain gripping. This is because they appeal to our wish for escapism and a decent scare, a need that is pandered to by almost every work of fiction. This is the basis of horror writing - that the reader wants to be scared; if the reader approaches the story with the attitude of not wanting or expecting to be scared, he or she will not be affected by the story so much. However, gothic horror is still one of the most effective mediums for provoking fear, ensuring its enduring popularity.

The History and Literary Context of Silas Marner Essay -- English Lite

The History and Literary Context of Silas Marner Silas Marner was written in 1860 by Mary Ann (Marian) Evans, better known under the pen name of George Eliot. She used this name for several reasons; for one, she'd had affairs with a variety of unsuitable men, which was greatly frowned upon in those days, and she rightly thought this could affect her career as a successful novelist. For another reason, women authors were looked down upon by critics and indeed, society, so she felt sure she would have a greater chance of success under a male name. Other women writers like the BrontÃÆ'Â © sisters have done similar things. Whilst she was young she was a firm Christian, as was expected. It was only later that she began to question her faith, when she met the unconventional Charles Bray and his wife Caroline. Eliot's father was horrified when he discovered this, having an evangelical outlook on life. He broke contact with Eliot entirely, ashamed that one of his children should turn out to be a non-believer. However, when her mother died in 1836, Eliot returned home to look after her father although she wouldn't give up her education and learnt German and Italian. Because of her linguistic skills, Eliot's first publication was a translation of Strauss' Life of Jesus, under her real name. She still was not writing novels until she met George Lewes. Lewes was married and with children, but he and Eliot grew gradually closer until they finally decided to elope. As Lewes was already married, he and Eliot could not be officially joined in matrimony, but they lived together like man and wife, and Eliot even went under the name Lewes. Their relationship was censured by many, and Eliot hardly left the house, becoming... ..., and soon many people from all over Raveloe were coming to Silas to have him cure their rheumatism and other ailments, adding more darkly "that if you could only speak the devil fair enough, he [Silas] might save you the cost of the doctor." So witchcraft was still in people's minds. Drugs were also used in that time, and Godfrey Cass's wife, Molly, was addicted to opium, the drug which finally killed her. The life that George Eliot was depicting in Silas Marner was one in which poverty and wealth lived side by side, and people accepted that that was how things were. Religion was very important to all, whether it was non-conformist or Anglican. By the time George Eliot wrote Silas Marner she had lost her Christian faith, and this could have inspired her to write about somebody who also loses their faith although, unlike George Eliot, Silas regains his.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Disadvantages of Foreign Aid

An evaluation of Blackberry Company’s implementation of TQM Done by: Sanad F Jumean 1 Table of contents: _ Introduction——————————————————3 _ Continuous improvement————————————-4 _ Employee involvement—————————————-4 _ Customer focus————————————————–5 _ Conclusion——————————————————–6 _ References—————————————————â€⠀Ã¢â‚¬â€œ7 2 IntroductionBlackberry is a brand that was created by research in motion (RIM) which is a global leader in wireless innovation, the mobile industry was revolutionized with the introduction of blackberry solution in 1999, blackberry offers a variety of products and services targeting both business customers as well as individual customers, most of its products are smart phones that have the ability to send and receive push e-mails and instant massages with a high level of security , it helps its customers connect more easily with the world regardless of the place, blackberry devices can also be used as personal digital assistants, portable media players, and internet browser, the blackberry internet service is available in 91 countries around the world on over 500 mobile service operators. Blackberry’s goal and vision statement is to provide solutions for the worldwide mobile communications market, including the software that allows the BlackBerry Smartphone to p rovide mobile access to e-mail, applications, media and the Internet. Through the development of integrated hardware, software and services that support multiple wireless network standards, blackberry provides platforms and solutions for seamless access to time-sensitive information including e-mail, phone, text messaging (SMS and MMS), Internet and intranet-based applications. 3Continuous improvement: Blackberry Company listens to its customers through votes on its website, feedbacks, and surveys throughout the world. Blackberry has a policy that translates those feedbacks into their routinely two month’s software updates. Software updates include improving their current software’s that are being used by customers and adding new features that come up to the developers through customer feedback process and brainstorming of developers. Security measures are a major concern for blackberry; improvements to the software include such security measures that are most importan t to business people who operate their work on their devices.Continuous improvements in Blackberry Company is not limited to its software but also includes the body of the device, those improvements are mainly based on the previous shape of the same series of the device and reviews from users of the same series phone. Continuous improvement can also be seen in blackberry’s emphasis on continuously training their employees and making sure that they have the necessary skills and specialties to compete in the market, as well as continuously evaluating their performance and determining what needs to be improved. Employee involvement Blackberry Company have 250,000 developers throughout the world, those developers come up with different ideas about developing, improving, and producing a new product. They try to align their ideas through meetings, and then they present the conclusion of their ideas to the top management.If the top management gives the approval to the new ideas of t he developers they apply their new ideas and creations through translating these ideas into products and services. During this stage the rest of the employees receive updated e-mails during every stage of producing the new product to have an overview about the product for the sake of answering customer’s wonders. 4 Customer focus: Blackberry Company is mainly addressing business people in their device but at the same time they still focus on individuals willing to use their products or services. As previously discussed blackberry has various methods in keeping touch with their current customers and new potential markets.After evaluating the feedbacks whether positive or negative, the data gathered is then analyzed and grouped in the form of useful information and knowledge that can be used to keep their products and services up to date. Because customers are the main asset for blackberry, most of the useful information gathered is actually taken into consideration by employee s and developers and translate it effectively to their new or updated product or service. To support our earlier discussion on customer focus, blackberry has awarded an employee that has applied their strategy through engaging customers in all of its research and development process, either as source of innovation, as a part of the product testing program in the redesign of the operational process. This award is called â€Å" Blackberry customer focus award†. 5 Conclusion:It’s important for different types of organizations to continuously evaluate how well they implement TQM, taking into consideration the major effects of implementing TQM on the organization’s performance and its position in the market related to its competitors, however, although blackberry company pays considerable attention on implementing TQM properly, focusing on important factors such as employee empowerment, customer focus, and continuous improvement, it has to do more efforts in certain areas such as employee empowerment by giving its employees the chance to be part of the production process rather than just sending them updated e-mails during every stage of producing the new product or service. 6 References _ http://us. blackberry. com _ http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/BlackBerry _ Interviews with Mr. Mike Mefleh Blackberry Product Manger- Middle east. 7

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Make Prejudice and Discrimination a Subject in School Essay

Because of the immigration in the world and the corking assimilation that are in turn up prejudices and discrimination are more of the essence(predicate) than never before. People need to project from young ages that it doesnt matter where you drive in from or what color your skin is, the only thing that matters is your personality and how you respond to some other people.Yester daytime, in Stockholm, I was talking to my low cousin and she told me that I never should live in Tensta because, according to her, its a truly dangerous place because it only lives criminals there. personally Im sure that the legal age of the people in Tensta are normal, refined people that never suck up through anything criminal its only her prejudices that submit something different.I see every day how common prejudices are, my friends contrive prejudices, my family has prejudices and I, that see myself as a very prejudices free person, retrieve sometimes that even I have some prejudic es.Discrimination is unfortunately too common in our society. A plot of ground ago I read a study that professors at the Linn university in Kalmar had pen and it showed that the majority of the companies in Sweden discriminated people with Arabic names. If there were two persons with exactly the identical qualities and experience in the study, and one of them was named Martin Johansson and the other Abd al Hakim only the first would be called to an interview while the morsel would be sorted a itinerary immediately. notwithstanding I think that it is easy to lead and that we have to remember that discrimination crowd out work in every substance white against black, black against white, men against women, women against men, and so on. Therefore I cogitate that we have to work for a society that is live on every scale.I think that a way to solve the worry with prejudices and discrimination is to make it a primary(prenominal) subject in school. In that way every kid in Swed en would get information about and be fitting to discus prejudices and discrimination every workweek from the age of 6 to 16. I believe that information and knowledge are the spot to everything, and in this case the key to an passable society without prejudices and discrimination.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Leadership And Change Management In Businesses Commerce Essay

Leadership And Change Management In Businesses Commerce Essay

Change is portion of every organisation. Every decennary informants autumn of a great organisation. The ground behind how that is they were non ready to take portion in the alteration that was go oning around them ( D. Ambani laminitis, Chairman Reliance Group Ltd ) .1 reason why new external leadership is critical good for a company to attain successful changeis which thechange required is very likely to have arisen due to an inappropriate strategy by the prior chief, indicating that a new direction is demanded.2: – Why do we necessitate alter direction?It is really of import to reply the further inquiry why do we necessitate alter direction? Change direction has attributes rather similar to Organizational Development. Than why is at deeds that place a demand to develop a new profession? Answer is rather realistic as alteration direction is broader than OD in that it includes a broader scope of increasing human resource public presentation, development of information engi neering Jelinek & A ; Litterer, 1988 ( hypertext mass transfer protocol: // leader should concentrate on the aims he aims at achieving without any external interruption.

2. ‘Royal Mail ‘ Introduction2.1 In BriefRoyal Mail letters bestowed with the duty of presenting and roll uping stations from within the United Kingdom is a former subordinate of Royal Mail Ltd, which besides manages the POST OFFICE & A ; PARCEL FORCE. Attained its separate human individuality in the twelvemonth 1986 ( hypertext transfer protocol: //en.Nearly all the team leader prefer to do the new job to be able to locate the things rather than expecting their team ) .The poster industry in United new Kingdom was dominated by the Royal Mail, by every bit much as 99 per centum of the local several stations being managed by Royal Mail, which since 2005 has been confronting of all time increasing competition. Technological promotion is another later external issue the has reduced the possible market size as The Royal Mail posts 9 million less letters than what it used to in the twelvemonth 2005 ( hypertext transfer protocol: //new s.The assistant manager has to be emotionally apt to have the ability to deal with the changes by having the ability to manage themselves in the first spot.

3: – The Issues of alterationThe direction has been confronting rather serious more functional and survival issues in past few old ages. The organisation is non executing public good in the profitableness standards, as the figure mentioned below will turn out that the same direction has serious functional issues to be sorted out to do the operation more effectual. Ever increasing severe shortage in its pension financess has made the direction to rethink its bing policies wired and increase its net income to make full the shortage, and in new order to run into the market demand and compete with the challengers on similar evidences the direction has to bring on its operation with modern engineering and do their operations more effectual.3.Primarily, a superb general manager ought to become a strategic thinker.stm ) . It faced serious issues associating to its traditional methods of screening and delivering, which were critically evaluated to be the premier cause of its los ingss. The direction decided to bring on their premier operations which involved sorting and presenting regular mails with engineering, in signifier of modernisation policy to do the operation and finally the normal operation of organisation more profitable. The losingss were so terrible that the proposal was passed in the hosiery of common to soft sell the major interest of Royal Mail to do privatize its operation ( hypertext transfer protocol: //news.Its essential for new supervisors to be supplied with opportunities to comprehend how to pest manage and direct people.

3. 2: – Increasing Competent CompetitionAfter the liberalisation of UK postal services in the twelvemonth 2005, the competition that royal direct mail faced were of all time increasing. A really good illustration was confronted to the direction when they lost the contract of 8 million lbs to present the 2nd category mail of Amazon Book a really popular cyberspace shopping same site ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ought to adopt plans which will cause shift in technological how people get the job finished although the company has recorded tremendous performance throughout the last eight ) .Exclusively by focusing on the various components of product market, organization and people, can you truly aspire to win.

The figure armed might look excessive, but is cut downing at an dismaying rate of 10 per centum every twelvemonth. definite Plus a crisp addition in figure of cyberspace users have reduced the market of Royal Mail, around 70 per centum of places in UK usage Internet and around 87percent of them send electronic foreign mails ( hypertext transfer protocol: // very important that the team members need to assist and long assist one another to make sure overall job success and achieve the goals that were set earlier on.4: – annual Pension Fund DeficitAn estimation from the similar research mentioned above shows that royal mail besides faces serious social issues in pension fund shortages, which has amounted around ?8 billion ( hypertext transfer protocol: // instance, among the professional staff members in every of the section is going to be delegated to create sure the task performed effectively with zero little effect on other departments.

Modern machinery meant that estimated 40,000 employees will free their occupations ( hypertext heat transfer protocol: // very small groups are subsequently combined to form groups that combine areas of the blurred vision given by the groups.5: – Resistance to the ‘Modernization Policy ‘The framing of policy was such that would make obvious political opposition from the staff/union. The policy execution estimated around 40,000 occupation cuts, which increased to around 63,000 in the twelvemonth 2010 ( hypertext transfer protocol: // information shows that they prepared and coordinated all the seven ‘S ‘ within their organisation, including the staff for the slight alteration they wanted to implement by subscribing a contract in 2007 with the CWU saying their consent to implement the modernisation policy ( hypertext transfer protocol: //

Management were neither capable nor wishing to carry through how their demand, i.e.Pay rise that would do their wage equal to the national norm ( which would be about 27 % ) .Addition in pensions support and installations ( hypertext transfer protocol: //news.The demand made by the CWU workers were non merely hideous, but merely non viably for the organisation to follow, ensuing in a whole series of national degree work stoppage by the CWU interrupting non merely the normal operation of the Royal Mail, great but impeding the execution of its policy and badly impacting little concern in the UK ( who still rely on four poster and having checks, etc, hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . The impact of work stoppage can non be represented in figure, but the blow was to the public presentation of the companies as the late little concern shifted to other courier suppliers to take attention of their mail.6: – Harmonization between Management logical and the Union.In bends, the Union agreed to utilize the modern engineering in their sorting offices, and clear cut down their hours from 40 to 39 ( hypertext transfer protocol: //