Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Correlation Paper Essay

CorrelationCorrelations measure the kind in the midst of cardinal variables. Establishing correlation coefficients allows researchers to make predictions that increase the knowledge base. Different regularity acting actings that establish correlations be apply in different situations. from each one method has favors and single outs that provide researchers information that is apply to understand, rank, and visually illustrate how variables are related. The Pearsons, Spearman, Kendall Rank, and positive and negative correlation are methods pulmonary tuberculosisd to establish a correlation between variables. The Pearson method is a simple linear correlation used or illustrate how toilsome of a relationship two variables have. The Spearman method ranks info by roll or give away and is often used be stool the equation is simpler than Pearsons. The Kendall Rank method measures the strength of dependence between two sets of random variables. Depending on the use of the info rmation will determine the best method for the research project. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. The research project and individual researcher weigh off the positive and negatives in order to determine the best method. It is agreed that the Pearsons method is easy to understand and illustrates the strength of the correlation. A prominent disadvantage is in that location can be confusion because it may be take for granted that correlation establishes causation. The Spearman advantage is it can rank order or name data in various ways, depending on the data collected. The disadvantage discussed is there may be a focus on ranking and non on the information that creates the rank. The positive and negative correlation method has the advantage that a lot of variables and situations can be used. Variables can be canvas using this method that experiments cannot be conducted on. The clear disadvantage discussed is that no cause and effect relationship can be assumed. Anoth er discussed disadvantage of this method is that it does not account for other variables that may contribute to studied variables. tuition reveals creatingcorrelations in research using the Pearson method would be multipurpose in domestic violence because it is a method that is easy to understand. The Spearman method that ranks data was discussed to be useful in the area of ranking of comfort qualities provided by hospice and GPA or SAT rankings. The Kendal Rank method measures strengths of dependence between two sets of variables like GPA and job performance in the ground level field. Discussion about reading proficiency in children was an example that would give the positive and negative method the best.As determined correlation determines the relationship between two variables and is used to make predictions in research. Each method has clear advantages and disadvantages, but it is agreed that the easier the method is to understand the more useful it is. One key point that cau ses confusion is the relationship between correlation and causation. It was determined that to avoid the error that a cause can be assumed based on a correlation attention must be paid to the specific method. Not every method is knowing to illustrate cause and affect relationships.ReferencesLing, R. F. (1982). Reviewed work (s) Correlation and Causation. by David A. Kenny base Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 77, No. 378,(Jun., 1982), pp. 489-491 Published by American Statistical Association. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 77(378), 489.Wright, S. (1921). Correlation and causation. Journal of coarse research, 20(7), 557-585.

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